Friday, July 18, 2008

Cold Showers and Other Fun

The Comcast cable guy was unable to get the internet installation done, so he left around 2:30 p.m. Not exactly the best customer service experience (except for that johhny-on-the-spot blog reply to my previous lament).

So I went out and did some shopping. Not too much - I didn't want to get carried away. Good thing I didn't - the power went out in my apartment complex (perhaps all of Waterford?) last night around 11 p.m. and did not come back on until 7:30 this morning.

So I woke up to a sweltering hot apartment, no hot water for my shower, and no coffee. Oh yes, and all the perishable food I bought last night is ruined. I'm wearing a huge happy hat here.

My first thought was that the rocket scientists at Detroit Edison had managed to confuse my request to put the electric service at my apartment into my name with an order to turn the power off entirely. Brilliant. However, a quick check outside revealed that no one in the complex had power, either. So at least it wasn't personal. That's good, I think.

There was one bright spot. As I got out to my car, even as I was turning the key in the lock, I heard the sound of a thousand air conditioners kicking on. Ah, the power returneth. I checked my watch and decided that I had time to make a pot of coffee, so I headed back to my sweat lodge and made a nice cuppa joe.

Well, at least I got to come to work early, since I could not bear sitting around sweating in my new apartment. And that led me to do two things:

1) Call Comcast and ask them once again to 'provision' my internet service. This time, they did, no problems. I hope it worked - won't know until this evening.

2) Make this post.

So there you go. Time for work now. It's going to be a lovely day. At least I have my coffee. Probably no one will be injured.

1 comment:

ComcastCares1 said...

Please let me know if you need further assistance. I can reach out to my contacts for assistance. If you are interested in my assistance, please send me the phone number associated with your account.


Mark C.
Comcast Corp.